Made for ScoreSpace Jam #31

Mobile Support :)

Click anywhere to cast your rod, once you see bobber go down and rod being pulled tap again to reel in the fish.

Many years ago, all the volcanoes on the planet went boom, covering most of Earth in lava. Firefish Inc. was created in order to feed the population using the new, previously undiscovered species swimming in the lava. However, the administration of Firefish Inc. has now become corrupt and heartless, taking people and forcing them to meet ever-increasing quotas to keep their lives.

So, consider yourself hired.


Music: Atlas by Nctrnm on Free Music Archive (CC-BY License)


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This feels like an art game. The weird choice of sprite to screen ratio. The lack of a pause function. There's no break between quotas. The huge cost increase of quotas and upgrades. The game is boring and having to give up your fish value every day makes progress a slog at best. There's no ending afaik. It all leads to a crushing drag a life in the game world must be. So, in that way, it's a huge success.

As a fun game, it's hugely flawed. I made 6 quotas and I lost by $10. I was expecting a twist or something interesting to happen.

My biggest complaint, though, is that it is far too subtle a difference between an extended and a bent line. There's no animation, not visual feedback. Just a movement of about 2 pixels.


I'm sorry you feel this way. The game was made in 3 days for a game jam and therefore there was very limited time for pivots or just fleshing out content and testing. Nonetheless thank you for the feedback